AI Note Taking for Busy People

Artificial Intelligence has become a game changer in many fields and note taking is no exception. AI note taking has the ability to help you revolutionise your workflow, enhance productivity, minimise errors and save time!

Discover how AI can redefine how you take notes in a few simple steps. Embrace this digital transformation and step into a future where your ideas and discussions never get lost in the shuffle.

Note Taking Before Artificial Intelligence

Information often approaches from various sources, such as:

  • Spontaneous thoughts or ideas,

  • Structured meetings,

  • Casual office conversations,

  • Regular content absorption.

These diverse streams typically find capture through methods like handwritten notes, typed notes, pure memory retention, or speech-to-text dictation.

Each method holds its unique set of strengths and drawbacks:

Handwritten Notes

Pros: Handwriting notes aids memory retention due to the physical act of writing. It allows for greater flexibility in format and structure.

Cons: Handwritten notes often requires a solid surface to write on. They can be time-consuming and challenging to organise or search through. Limited backup options.

Typed Notes

Pros: Typing can be quicker than handwriting, particularly for those with fast typing skills. Typed notes are easily searchable and can be organised using digital tools.

Cons: It's easy to become a passive note taker, mindlessly typing instead of engaging with the material. Lack of personal touch, as digital notes don't allow for custom layouts and designs like handwritten notes.

Memory Retention

Pros: Fast and easy. Can be done anywhere.

Cons: Your memory stores a limited amount of accurate data. Forgetfulness.

Speech to text dictation

Pros: Quick and easy. Speech transcribed as you talk.

Cons: Unstable internet connections can disrupt transcription. Fast talking and background noise, can affect transcription accuracy. On screen transcription delays during dictation, can interfere with thought flow.

What is AI Note Taking?

AI note-taking is a new approach to taking notes. It offers a swift, handy and precise solution for capturing notes and ideas.

It begins with the recording of audio notes and employs artificial intelligence to transcribe the audio and mould the resulting text into various formats as per your needs - be it meeting minutes, note summaries, or formal reports.

AI excels at accurately transcribing your audio recordings from meetings, video conferencing, lectures, interviews, phone calls and more. The possibilities are truly limitless!

All you need is an on-device transcription application and access to AI such as ChatGPT or Google Bard.

What is the AI Note Taking Process?

The AI note taking process is straightforward and can be surprisingly fast, particularly if you’re using predefined AI prompts. Turn your smartphone into your note taking personal assistant!

Step 1 - Using an audio recording app on your smartphone or tablet, record your notes, ideas or meeting content (face to face or video conferencing).

Step 2 - Send your recording to your chosen AI transcription app.

Step 3 - Review resulting transcription output, taking care to remove or rename any personal / sensitive data.

Step 4 - Submit an AI prompt to AI Chat (ChatGPT or Google Bard) suitable for the type of report or summary you require, along with the edited transcribed text.

Step 5 - Make final edits to the resulting report or summary, prior to storing or distribution!

Important: Always ask permission, prior to recording meetings or phone calls with audio. Never use personal or sensitive information with AI and always check your employers / clients policies on artificial intelligence, prior to use.

Why is AI Note Taking Better than Traditional Notetaking?

AI note-taking is ideal for todays hectic world, presenting a swift, simple, and precise alternative to traditional note taking approaches.

Record audio notes in nearly any setting and let artificial intelligence handle transcription (no internet connection required) and processing wherever you have a WIFI connection.

AI note taking comes with remarkable benefits:

  • It handles audio files in multiple languages,

  • It can work with audio files that have background noise,

  • It copes with audio files containing different accents.

  • Transcribes audio files to text typically at 90% plus accuracy.

  • Quickly converts transcribed text into summaries, meeting notes, detailed reports, key takeaways, talking points. The options are almost limitless!

*Processing times vary according to audio file size and transcribed text length.

Processing Transcribed Text with AI

How AI Can Assist with Report Generation

In addition to speed and convenience when transforming a meeting transcription into a report, AI can also assist with:

Summarisation: AI can help in summarizing the content of the meeting. Text summarisation techniques can be used to condense the information into a shorter form, highlighting the most important points, decisions made, and actions agreed upon.

Named Entity Recognition (NER): This is a process where AI identifies and categorises key information in the text such as people's names, companies, locations, dates, and other specific data. It can be particularly useful in recognising who was assigned specific tasks or responsibilities during the meeting.

Action Item Extraction: AI can also be trained to recognise and extract action items from the transcript. This often involves identifying certain patterns or phrases that indicate an action item (like "John will follow up on...").

Sentiment Analysis: This involves the AI determining the sentiment conveyed in different parts of the meeting, which can give context to the report. For example, if a particular topic was met with negative sentiment, it can be worth noting in the report.

Topic Modeling: This involves identifying the main topics discussed in the meeting. AI can use techniques like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify the main themes from the transcription.

Structuring the Report: AI can help structure the report in a logical and readable format. The report would typically include an introduction, the main topics discussed, key decisions made, action items, and a conclusion. AI can automate this process to some extent, though it might require some human intervention to ensure the final report is coherent and meaningful.

Quality Check: Machine learning algorithms can be used to assess the report for completeness, grammaticality, and coherence, providing suggestions for improvement before the report is finalised.

Meeting Agendas: AI can analyse your current meeting transcription and make meeting agenda recommendations for your next meeting.

Sample AI Prompts for Report Generation

There are multiple ways to get AI to process transcribed text, Below are a few examples of ChatGPT / Google Bard report generation prompts, to get your thoughts flowing:

Please review and summarise the following text including key highlights and actions: [PASTE TRANSCRIBED TEXT HERE]”

Write a report including Title, Summary, Main Points, Action Items, Follow-Up Questions, Potential ArgumentsExample, Related Topics and Sentiment Analysis: [PASTE TRANSCRIBED TEXT HERE]”

Write meeting minutes, adding the following attendees: John, Jason, Lucy, Simone, non-attendees: Jeff, David and Karen. Here is the meeting transcription text: [PASTE TRANSCRIBED TEXT HERE]”

How Accurate is AI Note Taking?

Transcription is a key part of AI note taking. One of the most popular transcription methods is "Whisper AI" from Open AI, the minds behind ChatGPT.

Whisper represents a breakthrough in automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. Built on the Whisper Architecture, it has trained on an extensive and varied dataset — 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitask supervised web data.

Whisper uses natural language processing (NLP) distinguishing itself by adeptly managing accents, ambient noise, and technical language. As one-third of its training data is non-English, it shines in tasks of multilingual transcription and translation, even surpassing state-of-the-art models in English translation.

I recently recorded a three way conference call, with both background noise and differing strong accents. I was surprised when the resulting transcription was appx. 90% plus accurate!

How Secure is AI Transcription?

AI transcription utilises two primary methods, 'On-Device' and 'Cloud Speech-to-Text'.

'On-Device' audio transcription processes audio files directly on the device instead of forwarding them to a distant server. This practice offers numerous advantages, such as:

Privacy: Keeping audio files on the device ensures privacy by preventing transmission to remote servers.

Speed: With 'On-Device' transcription, processing speed exceeds that of cloud-based transcription as there's no need to transfer audio files to a distant server.

No internet: An internet connection is not required, enabling you to have your notes transcribed without interruptions, anywhere.

Accuracy: By avoiding network latency and related factors, 'On-Device' transcription may provide higher accuracy than its cloud-based counterpart.

'Cloud Speech-to-Text' involves transmitting the original audio recording to the Cloud for transcription to occur. Both the audio recording and resulting transcription may remain in the cloud, post transcription.

On-Device AI Transcription Limitations

On-device transcription certainly appeals to those prioritising privacy, accuracy and convenience, but it does carry certain limitations:

Storage: This method demands increased storage space, as it stores audio files directly on the device.

Battery Life: On-device transcription can expedite battery depletion, given that the CPU must exert more effort to transcribe audio files.

Popular AI Transcription Apps.

There are many free and paid transcription apps available for IOS, MACOS, Android and Windows. The accuracy of these apps make a compelling alternative to a professional transcription service.

My personal preference is “Aiko”, due to its support for the Mac / IOS platform, accuracy, minimal learning curve and no ads:

Aiko logo graphic



Aiko, a cost-free, user-friendly application, offers the convenience of audio file transcription at the touch of a button. Just open the app, choose your file, and hit "Transcribe." You'll soon find your audio turned into written words in a text editor.

Advantages and limitations:


  • Remarkable accuracy

  • Multilingual support

  • Privacy maintained

  • Shortcuts integration

  • User-friendly interface


  • May lack some features found in other transcription apps.

Speechnotes Logo Graphic


Android & IOS

Speechnotes, a complimentary transcription application, with robust and diverse capabilities. Ideal for tasks ranging from transcribing meetings, lectures, and interviews to converting audio files for accessibility, it fulfills various needs.

Advantages and limitations:


  • Precise transcriptions

  • Multilingual support

  • Comes with an array of features

  • User-friendly interface


  • Lacks some features compared to other transcription apps.

  • No Apple shortcuts integration.

  • Ads on free plan.

My AI Note Taking Workflow

AI note taking has revolutionised the way I work, it has rapidly become one of my key project management tools.

I am able to process meeting / idea recordings into text and format the resulting transcribed text in a report / summary layout of my choice, within a matter of minutes. All from a smartphone!

Audio Recording

The majority of smartphones have a voice recording app installed as standard. Should your device lack such an app, a wide selection exists on Google and Apple app stores.

Many audio recording apps provide the functionality of appending to a current recording, a feature that offers substantial benefits for AI note taking!

The below represents a typical daily recording list:

  • Meeting recordings are often transcribed and formatted into meeting notes using Google Docs / Microsoft Word within a matter of minutes, after a meeting.

  • The remaining audio recordings are appended to throughout the day, prior to transcription and processing into summaries / task lists at the end of each day.

    In the event a transcription turns out to be too long to be formatted or analysed by AI, the transcript can be split using online ChatGPT splitting tools such as the “Free ChatGPT Prompt Splitter” by Procurement Tactics.


Being able to give almost 100% focus to a meeting without the need to write detailed notes and releasing accurate and comprehensive meeting minutes shortly after, has transformed my workflow. Not to mention the time saved in capturing adhoc thoughts and ideas.

AI note taking provides huge benefits, whatever your profession. It’s free and you’ll be surprised by its accuracy and how much time it saves you. Improve productivity, while saving valuable time!

Do you currently use artificial intelligence to quickly process notes? Let me know in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • AI note-taking involves the use of artificial intelligence to automate the process of taking notes, which can include transcribing speech to text, summarising content, highlighting key points, and more.

  • While AI note-taking tools have improved significantly in terms of accuracy, they may not be perfect and might still require human review, especially for complex or specialized content.

  • The quality of the audio file: The quality of the audio file will have a significant impact on the accuracy of the transcription. If the audio file is noisy or distorted, the transcription will be less accurate.

    The noise level in the environment: The noise level in the environment can also affect the accuracy of the transcription. If the environment is noisy, the transcription will be less accurate.

  • Most video conferencing apps such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet, can provide a video / audio recording which you can use to transcribe.

    Using an inbuilt audio recorder app., you can record anything you wish with your smartphone. Irrespective of whether or not online meetings apps are recording.

How to Boost AI Prompt Productivity with TextExpander!

AI prompting has become increasingly important in many industries, from content generation to chatbots. One of the challenges that regular users and AI prompt engineers face is coming up with a diverse and consistent set of AI prompts that suit their workflow.

Open Laptop with Open AI and Textexpander logo with text stating turbocharge your ai workflow

Text expansion tools can help solve this problem and improve the efficiency of AI prompting. Discover how text expansion tools work and how they can benefit the AI prompting process.

What Are Text Expansion Tools?

Text expansion tools are software programs that automatically expand a short abbreviation or keyword into a longer phrase or sentence.

Up until the dawn of AI, they have been commonly used in email clients, word processors, and other text-based applications to save time and improve productivity.

Text expansion tools work by creating a list of abbreviations and their corresponding expanded text (AI Prompts). When the user types an abbreviation, the tool automatically replaces it with the expanded text.

How Can Text Expansion Tools Help with AI Prompting?

Text expansion tools can benefit the AI prompting process in several ways:

  1. Creating a large and diverse set of prompts: Text expansion tools can help you create a large and diverse set of AI prompts quickly and efficiently. By creating a list of abbreviations and their corresponding AI prompts, you can easily generate a large number of AI prompts with just a few keystrokes.

  2. Standardising prompts: Text expansion tools can help standardize prompts by ensuring that all AI prompts are written in a consistent format. This can help improve the quality of the data returned by the AI model and significantly reduce the amount of time spent editing prompts.

  3. Improving accuracy: Text expansion tools can also help improve the accuracy of prompts by reducing the likelihood of typos and other errors. This can help ensure that the AI model is trained on accurate and reliable data.

  4. Speeding up the AI prompting process: Finally, text expansion tools can help speed up the AI prompting process by reducing the amount of time and effort required to create a large and diverse set of prompts. This can help AI users work more efficiently and meet project deadlines more effectively.

What is the Most Popular Text Expansion Tool for AI Prompting?

A common text expansion tool used by both general AI users and experienced Prompt Engineers is TextExpander by Smile Software.

Smile Software Inc., often referred to as just Smile, is a renowned software development company specializing in productivity tools and applications. Established in 2003, the company has a longstanding reputation for creating innovative and user-friendly solutions that streamline workflows and enhance overall efficiency for users across different platforms.

Over the years, Smile has developed an impressive lineup of products, with TextExpander being one of their most popular and widely recognized offerings. TextExpander has garnered significant acclaim for its time-saving capabilities, and its ability to help users create, manage, and insert custom text snippets across various applications.

Why is TextExpander Better Suited to AI Prompting Than Other Tools?

In addition to its affordable cost, one of TextExpanders many features are “Fill-in Fields”. Fill-in fields are custom fields which can be easily created to automatically request custom text.

In the case of AI prompts single or multiple Fill-in fields can trigger a dialog box for you to add custom text to a standard prompt, ensuring prompt consistency.

Textexpander Snippet

chatgpt prompt screen showing a textexpander snippet fill-in field dialog box requesting input

Textexpander Fill-In Field Dialog Box

TextExpander provides several different types of Fill-in fields:

Single Line Fields: Enter a single numerical or textual value by typing it in or copying and pasting.

Popup Menus: Select from a set of predefined options.

Optional Sections: This content remains consistent but doesn't need to be displayed every time.

Multi Line Fields: Permits multiple lines of text to be shown. You can type, copy/paste, or expand other snippets within this field and the single-line field.

For AI prompting you may choose to use Fill-in fields to customise the subject of a single prompt.

TextExpander can be a valuable asset if you’re looking to improve the efficiency of the AI prompting process.

By creating a large and diverse set of prompts quickly and efficiently, standardizing prompts, improving accuracy, and speeding up the AI prompting process, TextExpander can help you work more efficiently and effectively.

With the help of TextExpander, you can generate high-quality AI data that can improve automation and streamline business operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Text expansion is a productivity tool that allows users to create custom abbreviations or shortcuts for frequently used phrases or text snippets.

    When the user types the abbreviation, the text expansion software automatically replaces it with the predefined phrase or text snippet, saving time and effort.

  • To start using text expansion, you will need to choose a text expansion software or tool that suits your needs. Popular choices include TextExpander, PhraseExpress, and Typinator.

    Once you've chosen a tool, create your custom abbreviations and text snippets within the software, and start using them while you work.

  • Text expansion streamlines the process of creating AI prompts by allowing you to save time on typing repetitive phrases or code snippets.

    It helps to avoid errors, maintain consistency, and focus on more creative aspects of the AI prompt creation process.

  • Yes, text expansion tools are available for both Windows and macOS.

    Some popular options for Windows include PhraseExpress and FastKeys, while TextExpander and Typinator are popular choices for macOS.